Sunday, May 31, 2015


Day 4

Today we went on an adventure out in Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm.
On the way to The farm Alex, Caleb, and myself played the alphabet game to pass the time. Only words one or near the road were exceptionable but not licenses plates. I learned that there are not many establishments that use Q words on their signs, making the game extremely difficult to end. Once we got there we were split into four groups, after being introduced to our guides. One of our guides was even the mayor of Englewood.
After the groups and the guides got acquainted with our guides w were each given a pair of binoculars and given a crash course in using them. Soon after we were introduced to some of the birds in the area. At first it was extremely difficult to locate the birds because of the constant movement and the sound of  multiple birds in one area but over time I got sorta better at it. But my  favorite part of the bay was just being able walk around the woods and observe the diversity in nature in just a single area.  

Deep Blue Lake
You're sitting on the edge of a lake, the cattails sway hypnotically in the breeze. You gave a lake and notice of  blue it is, like gazing into a liquid sapphire.  The waves lapping at your feet, calling you deeper into the lake. As you walk down to the water you notice how far into the water you can see. As you gaze deeper and deeper into the water you can feel yourself slipping away the noise around you slips away until it's only you and the water. You are surrounded by the blue of the lake, falling deeper into an aquatic paradise. As you gaze around at the fish and the plants you realize you can here your own heart beat, and can feel how slow it is. You realize this is the calmest you have been in weeks. IT is only you and the water the gentle breeze pushing you about in gentle circles. You stay their for some time before you notice a sound at the edge of your conscience that pulls you back to the surface. It's your mother calling you back its time to return home, as you leave the lake you feel lighter like all your worries has left you. 

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